Card #1
Front of the card features the pictures of Dye, Konerko and Pierzynski of the Chicago White Sox as well as Biggio, Berkman and Ensberg of the Houston Astros.

Fold it open and it features a gray jersey piece for Dye and bat pieces for Konerko and Pierzynski on the left and a red jersey piece for Biggio and pinstripe jersey pieces for Berkman and Ensberg on the right. The card commemorates the 2005 World Series and is serial numbered 1/9.

Card #2
The front features David Wright of the New York Mets and Ryan Howard of the Philadelphia Phillies.

Open it up and Wright is featured on the left and Howard on the right. Black and white jersey pieces are used for Wright and Phillies pinstripes are used for Howard. It is serial numbered 9/27.

Awesome 2005 WS card!!
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