Saturday, November 1, 2014

State of the Blog

If you read my I'm least for a while post back in September you'll remember my claim of abstaining from making any hobby related purchases for a period of time. The plan was to organize my collection and still continue to post.

Let me give an update, starting with the failures.

#1 - I only lasted about two weeks without spending any money on cards.

#2 - My plan to post about some of my football, basketball, and hockey cards periodically did not go as planned. I think I might have made one post non baseball related post.

#3 - My Griffey and Piazza collections are still unorganized.

#4 - I haven't been able to thin out my collection like I hoped. I put a few cards on eBay, but didn't have any takes.

#5 - I haven't been able to really dive into the 15,000 or so cards that I got recently from a friend. I've only been able to sort through a few thousand at this point.

Alright, now onto the successes!

#1 - I haven't made any eBay purchases and the money that I have spent on cards during this time has been limited to mostly dime cards. Less than $20 in the last month and a half.

#2 - I started a MLB Hall of Fame binder. I'll discuss it more in future post, but basically I'm trying to get one card of each member of the Baseball Hall of Fame. So far I have 113 out of 306, but I'm still working on this and I expect to have cards of at least 200, maybe more, and then I'll work on the rest one by one.

# 3 In the past I had sorted most of my collection by teams. In connection with the MLB Hall of Fame binder, I went through my collection and pulled out all the Hall of Famers. After pulling one card of each member of the Hall of Fame and placed in the binder, the rest will be sorted alphabetically.

#4 - In addition to pulling out all Hall of Famers I also pulled out cards for my mini-collections. My mini-collections aren't so mini. I've almost filled two 5,000 count boxes with my mini-collections.

#5 - In going through my collection I realized that I am seriously lacking in the vintage department. I decided to fix that by doing a Topps Page a Year binder. I know there are a few other bloggers out there that are doing something similar and I've always liked the idea and I really excited for this project.

So while I it wasn't a complete success, I'm happy with the progress I made over the last couple of months on my collection.

I'm going to be more careful about purchases for my collection, but I'm not going to go cold turkey again any time soon.

1 comment:

  1. I've got a Topps Page A Year binder as well. It's full of a little vintage and then a ton of those "Cards Your Mother Threw Out" inserts for a couple of years back. Believe it or not, it's actually fun to flip through and look at reprints of cards I'll never own. Good luck with yours!
