Friday, January 15, 2016

TTM Success: Carrie Fisher

I thought about saving this to post on May 4th, but was too excited to wait. I sent this playing card and an index card on January 4th and got them back signed just 1 week later; January 11th.

Carrie Fisher is best know for playing Princess Leia in the original Star Wars trilogy and she was in the newest film, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, as General Leia.

From what I gather, most people involved in the Star Wars films aren't very good ttm signers because they make decent money at Star Wars conventions signing autographs, so when I saw that Carrie Fisher was signing through the mail I had to give it a shot.

The autographs turned out great! Couldn't be happier!

The Force Awakens is now the highest grossing film of all-time, at least in the US. I've seen it twice. Every once in a while though I will run into someone that has never seen any of the Star Wars movies.

Please comment below if you're never seen any of the Star Wars movies.

For those of you that are Star Wars fans, how many times have you seen The Force Awakens?


  1. Seen it twice. Will probably go one more time.

    1. Same here. I'd like to see it again, but when I suggested it to the wife she frowned upon it.

  2. Seen it once and probably won't see it again until right before Episode 8 comes out. I always like a "refresher" before seeing the next movie in a series.

    1. Yeah, I'll probably get it when it comes out on blu-ray and watch it then and then again right before 8.

  3. Can I have this one too? Thanks for the other you emailed me and congrats on this!! I missed put on my Carrie on my redemption 6 years ago when I exchanged it. Would love this addy. Thanks!

    1. I'll send it to you, but Captain Canuck (see below) says it's not her that is signing.

  4. Congrats! Love her and will have to try a TTM request myself.

    I've seen the new movie once and liked it a lot. I don't plan to catch it in the theater again, but who knows.

    1. I saw it once regular and once in 3D. I didn't think 3D made much difference. Captain Canuck says the Fischer isn't legit, so just beware.

  5. Carrie Fishers' mom handles all of her fan mail.
    Sorry bud.

    1. So you're telling me Debbie Reynolds signed them. Awesome!

  6. Pretty nice penmanship for an 83 year old Reynolds! Either way that's cool! You should send something of Debbie's to Carrie's address for a signature. See what happens!

  7. There was just so many good movies out in a short time that I only got to check it out once. I did go back and watch all 6 others and am excited to add 7 to my collection.
