Friday, April 27, 2018

1995 Fleer Pro-Visions

I went to a card show last weekend and spent the first 30 minutes digging through a few dime boxes. I ended up with 58 cards, which I got for $5, so just under 10 cents each.

I was able to get the complete 1995 Fleer Pro-Visions insert set for about 50 cents.

I've mentioned before that I love the Pro-Visions insert and sub-set cards that Fleer put out between 1991 and 1995. I have the 1991 and 1991 Factory Set, 1993, and now 1995 complete insert sets and I have most of the 1992 sub-set. I just need the 1994 insert set.

Check out the 1995 set.

Now check out the set in all it's glory! When you put the six cards together it forms a mosaic. Bet you didn't know that. Even if you did know that already, it's still pretty cool. You can see that the cards don't always match up perfectly, but you get the idea. The 1994 set does the same thing, but it's nine cards.


  1. Sweet set! I’ve been working on the 1991 set since last fall. The artwork is awesome.

  2. Love Pro-Visions! They look pretty good as individuals... but I really like the way they look when put together.

  3. Wow!!!! These are super cool!

  4. Very cool.. didn't know they linked up like that.

    1. I didn't either. Really cool! My favorite is the Salmon card.
      The Mondesi confuses me... was the ball starting to deteriorate before impact with the bat or is exploding upon impact? I guess I figured if the bat was the cause then why is it exploding further away from the bat? Maybe my knowledge of physics is out of whack?

  5. Whoa! Those look great and the novelty of putting them together to complete a mosaic is pretty cool.

    I hope to one day come across a dime box!

  6. Awesome set! I didnt know they formed a mosaic..I've only seen the Mondesi before. Man, I miss mid-90's fleer!

  7. Truly the golden age of inserts. I'm glad you lined them up. That was so cool to discover as a kid.
