Tuesday, April 4, 2017

TTM Tuesday

I haven't gotten a lot of ttms recently, but I am really happy with the two that have come in over the past few weeks.

I sent Brooks Robinson two cards and a few index cards as well as a donation.

He signed both cards and added the "HOF 83" inscription.

The turned out great!

I asked that he personalize each index card to my boys and add his nickname "Human Vacuum Cleaner" and he did! 

My second return was a 4 x 6 photo that I had gotten signed earlier this year by Buck Showalter. I sent it to Jason Alexander (George from Seinfeld) and he signed it as well. If you remember, George worked for the Yankees during a couple of seasons of the hit tv show.


  1. Those are awesome! I need to send to Brooks Robinson here soon.

  2. Congrats! Love the dual signed Seinfeld photo.

  3. Awesome returns. That dual photo is incredible. I assume that Jason Alexander is almost a 100% guarantee? I would hate to send a Buck auto and not get it returned back.

  4. Seeing these kinds of posts really makes me want to give this TTM thing a shot. That dual auto is awesome! And The Human Vacuum Cleaners aren't too shabby either.
