I did find one seller that had each card in the set at reasonable prices and free shipping. Still, buying each individual card of the 31 card set at between $1.50 - $3.00 per card got to be pretty pricey fairly quickly. I reached out to the seller asking if they would sell me set at a certain price since they had each card. They responded, “no”, but they did offer a 40% discount on purchases of 4 or more cards. That helped, but the “set” purchased one card at a time still set me back about $28.
Here it is. Upper Deck put out this set. The first and only year they would do the Post set. I actually like the design. Very reminiscent of many of the Upper Deck sets from that timeframe.
There was also a 6 card promo set that are completely different. I picked up this set as well. It will get its own post though.
Curious to know if anyone else out there has this set. Seems like it was probably not available as a complete set via a mail in offer like so many of the other Post sets from this timeframe, so it would need to be put together one cereal box at a time, which would be costly and take some time to assemble the 31 card set.