Friday, October 2, 2020

That's not a knife. That's a knife.

Crocodile Dundee came out in 1986. I was only 5 at the time and I know I didn't see it in the theater, but I remember watching it at a very young age. My favorite scene from the movie is when Mick and Sue are approached by a guy who asks for a light and then pulls out a switchblade and asks for his wallet as well as he is joined by two others. Sue says, "Mick, give him your wallet." Mick asks "Why?".  She says, "He's got a knife." to which Mick responds with "That's not a knife. That's a knife." as he pulls out a Bowie knife. Over the years, I've probably used that quote, or something similar, at least a hundred times, so when I turned this 1994 Upper Deck Jose Lind card over and saw the photo, that was the first thing I thought of.

I can't tell what Jose has in his left hand, but based on the knife strapped to his belt, I think it's probably a bat he is yielding like a Samurai sword, but that's just a guess.

What's something else you don't typically see on a baseball card? 


  1. Hahaha pair this with his 1992 Studio card.

    1. Good call. I was just thinking that I've seen a samurai sword on a card before.

  2. Jose Lind must have quite a fondness for knives and swords...

  3. There is a Collector's Choice card of Rex Hudler, I believe, that on the back shows him milking a cow.

  4. I love that movie and that quote! Very cool!

  5. Never noticed that card before, awesome!

  6. I think of this quote every single time I head into the woods with a machete. Fun card too, I'm thinking that this guy must've been quite the character.
