Sunday, February 21, 2010

Indians vs. Reds (Fan Pack Style)

Last week I emailed several teams and requested a Fan Pack. I started with the Cleveland Indians and the Cincinnati Reds because I live about 2 minutes from their Spring Training Stadium and plan on seeing several games this year. I recieved Fan Packs from both teams on the same day.

Cleveland Indians

  1. Official Goodyear Arizona Visitors Guide
  2. Slider Mascot card
  3. Pocket Schedule
  4. 3 Activity Sheets (Trivia/Coloring page/Word Search)
Cincinnati Reds

  1. 2009 Team Photo
  2. Reds Mascot Car Magnet
  3. Reds Mascot Sticker
  4. Reds Lanyard
  5. Reds/Goodyear Visor
  6. Cincinnati Reds Bumper Sticker
  7. 2009 Cincinnati Reds Baseball Card Team Set


  1. Nice haul from the Reds! If you don't want that stuff, I know someone who does (just sayin')!
