I haven't posted much recently as we are in the process of moving. We started looking during the first part of this month and we will get the keys to our new house tomorrow, so while it's nice to be moving, things have been hectic getting everything done in a short time period. We're going to be renting out our current home, so there is a lot to do to make that happen as well. I haven't had much time (or money) for cards lately. I know I'm behind on a couple of trades, but I haven't forgotten and will get them taken care of once we get into the new house. I did stop at the card shop on Friday, but only to get some 5000 count box and a super shoe box to help with packing. In the new house I'll have a den (a.k.a. man cave) and the plan is to thin out my collection one box/binder at a time. One thing I did do yesterday was propose a few trades on the Topps Diamond Giveaway site. Within a few minutes I was able to get the card below for 10 random cards that I had. There was one card from 1960 and three from 1974 and then everything else was from the 80's, 90's, and 2000's, nothing that I would have paid to have shipped so I was really happy to get this Diamond Die Cut Miguel Montero card!
Just got through with a move as well. It doesn't leave much time for blogging. We moved in about a month ago and still haven't finished unpacking. Hope you do better.